
AllTown Fresh Gives Back

On Tuesday, AllTown Fresh presented Bethesda House with a donation of $940.72 as a result of their Eat and Be Merry holiday fundraising campaign! Throughout the month of December, our local AllTown Fresh raised funds through donations and sandwich sales as part of their effort to combat hunger in the communities they reside in. 

We are so grateful for this partnership and their commitment to Bethesda House's mission. These funds will go directly toward our food pantries and daily fresh meals for the homeless and impoverished in Schenectady. Below, you can read about how AllTown Fresh came to be and their generations-long commitment to fresh, healthy food for all. Thank you, AllTown Fresh! 


While it may seem like AllTown Fresh has been on Erie Boulevard for ages, they only just opened their Schenectady storefront in the fall of 2020! Under the umbrella of the 92-year run family company Global Partners, AllTown Fresh came on the scene in 2019 with the vision of offering healthier food and affordable gas to patrons. Maureen Rubino, Chair of Charitable Initiatives, works on the ground in each of their locations to learn from the local teams and community leaders where the needs are.

If you visit AllTown Fresh’s website, their very first tab is Community Partners. This speaks volumes to their commitment to uplifting the communities in which they reside. AllTown Fresh has shown up for Bethesda House every year with their holiday fundraiser, giving patrons the chance to donate to Bethesda House at check-out or with every Chipotle Turkey Sandwich. Maureen says often those participating were helped by Bethesda House at some point and will buy multiple sandwiches at a time! Last year they raised over $3,000 for Bethesda House in this month-long holiday campaign alone.

AllTown Fresh also donates in-kind goods to Bethesda House all year-long. Before they expire, they send all their 2-day old perishable food items straight to our kitchen. This has been a huge help to our Kitchen Lead, Al, when planning daily meals and offering fresh, healthy options for our guests and residents.

As Maureen says, “Charity is not an afterthought [at AllTown Fresh]”. This is evident in their mission and their actions, and we are so grateful to be a part of their circle of charitable influence.

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