
Community Restaurants Step Up to Feed the Homeless in Schenectady

Bethesda House delivers fresh, hot meals to the public every day. This is no small feat. Our lead cook runs our kitchen and meal service with great dedication and efficiency. 

Due to a recent illness, he was out of office. And just one day of his absence is greatly felt. To ensure the 80 to 120 people who come to our dining room were able to receive a hot meal on this snowy cold winter day, the Bethesda House team put their heads together and came up with a plan. 

Community restaurants who commonly donate to our agency, such as Gershon’s and AllTown Fresh, heard we were in need of assistance with making that day's meal come to fruition. They stepped up and assisted us by donating soup and sandwiches to provide warming, comforting meals on this snowy day.

Additionally, McDonald’s assisted us with this weekend’s coverage for breakfast by providing us with a BOGO deal for their famous egg McMuffins. The guests couldn’t be any more grateful to have a warm meal without having to go out into the cold weather. If it wasn’t for our community restaurants, volunteers, and all of our staff who came together as a team this would never have happened in the absence of our fearless cook.

It's these moments that remind us how starkly powerful community can be when we come together. Thank you all who helped us over the past few days. Stay warm and healthy this season! 

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